My Journey
Senior Certified Career Coach and Certified Master Virtual Global Trainer: Lee Hecht Harrison, NY, NY - One of the largest outplacement and career management companies with a global presence in over 60 countries.
President/Owner: Alternative Pathways, servicing such clients as IBM, Citicorp, McGraw Hill, Procter & Gamble and Aetna Life Insurance.
Not for Profit Experience:
Executive Director of Wainwright House: The oldest, holistic spiritual center in the U.S. Rye, NY
Executive Director of the Center for Holistic Medicine: New York United Hospital Medical Center in Port Chester, NY - launched one of the first Holistic Centers under a hospital umbrella in the country. Managed a staff of 14 holistic practitioners.
Alternative Health Solutions - Private practice in Mind/Body/Spirit Therapies offering solutions for dealing with: stress, chronic and life threatening illness and seeking optimal wellness. Boothbay Harbor, ME, and New York Cornell Hospital, NY
Alternative Adventures - Co-Creator Holistic Training in Universal Healing - 2-year certification program in Mind/Body/ Spirit Medicine. Spiritual Pilgrimages to sacred sites throughout the world.
Author - Monthly columnist for Maine Well Being Newspaper - over 30 published articles on Holistic Health Forthcoming book: Operation Transformation: The Journey from Chaos to Connection, and a second book, Unleash Your Soul Power in collaboration with business partner Nancy Thompson.
Key Note Speaker and Workshop Facilitator - For such organizations as the Cancer Society, Women in Management, Clemson University in South Carolina,
and Proctor and Gamble.
Certified Behavioral Kinesiologist - 120 hours, SAGE Institute, Burbank, CA
Certification in Mind/Body Medicine - The Center of Mind-Body Medicine, Alexandria, VA Reiki Master - Usui Lineage under Master Beth Lea, Norwalk, CT
Shamanic Practitioner - Studied under Sandra Ingerman and various indigenous Shaman in Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador, Sedona and on the Navajo Reservation.
Qi Gong Teacher - 4 years under Master Ken Cohen, Author of The Art and Science of Qi Gong
Certified Yoga Teacher - School of Integrative Health, Hallowell, ME
Inter-faith Minister - Universal Life Church, Modesto, CA
Certified Career Coach from Lee, Hecht, Harrison, NY, NY
Certified Master Virtual Trainer - InSync Training, East Lyme, CT
Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor (2 year program) -New Haven University, N.H. CT
Business Degree - University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport CT
Certified Qigong Teacher - National Qigong Association
"I have long admired Judy's holistic approach to Transition coaching. She brings a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and experience to the work, and openly offers it all to others with both skill and compassion. I learned a great deal from Judy during our time together and am happy to recommend her."
Jan Thompson
Executive Consultant Partners International